Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Will the Real Bryan Williams Please Stand Up? Part 1

 There has been a lot of talk and back and forth of the Ohio Republican Party and the Chairman Bob Paduchik.  During the recent races for Ohio Republican Party (ORP) State Central Committee (SCC) races, many good people were running for a change.  They wanted to see some new blood injected into the SCC offices and in ORP itself. And it is needed - but let's do it right!

ORP Vice-Chair & Summit County GOP Chair Bryan Williams is looking to be the new chair.  Williams is trying to fast track a new vote through sleight of hand and slick talking before the SCC members and grassroots finds out about his swampy and scandal plagued past.

Conflicts of Interest

At the ORP endorsement meeting held in February, citing a conflict of interest, there was a push by State Central Committee members to stop other SCC Members with appointments from Governor DeWine or working for agencies under control of Governor DeWine from voting in the process.

While making motions to keep SoS Frank LaRose from being endorsed, Vice Chair Bryan Williams voted in support of the ORP endorsing Mike DeWine for Governor.  

In his role as Summit County GOP Chairman, Bryan Williams had already showed his loyalty and allegiance to Governor DeWine and personally endorsed Mike DeWine for Governor in January 2022.

But wait it gets even better (swampier)!!!

Before Bryan Williams was a DeWine boy he was tip toeing through the swamp grass as a loyalist of The Never Trumper Son of a Mailman Governor John Kasich! 

 And being paid back for his loyalty to the Never Trump Kasich and then scandal ridden ORP Chairman Matt Borges - Bryan Williams was repaid with an appointment to State of Ohio School Board!  

Well until he had to step down over another - conflict of interest! But that is what happens when you are a lobbyist playing both sides...

"While lobbying for the Associated Builders and Contractors of Ohio, a consortium of private construction companies, Williams chaired the state school board’s legislative and budget committee, representing the board before the legislature. He also sat on four other committees that set accountability and minimum standards for schools, defined educational options, and oversaw the hiring and evaluation of the state superintendent.

A financial disclosure form filed by Williams in May indicates that he received compensation from two entities, the state school board on which he serves, and Associated Builders and Contractors of Ohio, which he has described as an umbrella organization for the several regional ABC groups. (Read more...)" 

And in rounding it off on the "great guy" that wants to be the next ORP Chair - Williams, in never letting the truth stand in his way - settled a defamation lawsuit from Steve Zoumberakis, owner of Quality Mold, a business Williams defamed during his 2003 Mayoral run...

Quality Mold and its CEO filed a complaint against Mr. Williams and his election committee, alleging that they had made false and defamatory statements about them. After one day of trial, the parties entered into a confidential settlement. Although the parties did not draft a written agreement, the settlement's terms were confirmed before the trial court. Mr. Williams agreed to pay Quality Mold $25,000, with the understanding that, if he paid $1000 per month for fifteen months, he would not have to pay the other $10,000. (Read more...)

This was also referred to the Ohio Election Commission, who found probable cause that Williams broke Ohio’s false statement statute.

This is just a little of why Bryan Williams as next ORP chair a huge step is backwards.  There is plenty of time between now and January to find someone with integrity that will move Ohio forward! 

We Can and must do better - there is no need to rush to elect just another long time Ohio Swamp Rat masquerading as a good guy! 

Change for changes sake is how we got Joe Biden!  Stay tuned for more!  Much more! 

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