Monday, October 17, 2022

Action Alert: Stop Biden's Arm-Twisting of Ohio Schools!

Once again President Biden and the liberal left show they will stop at nothing when it comes to forcing their social engineering on the masses! 

In response to President Biden using & perverting the intent of Title IX to attack and deprive vulnerable children with food insecurities of necessary nutrition assistance to arm-twist his gender bending policies, Ohio Department of Education State Board Member, Brendan Shea, drafted a straightforward Resolution rejecting it. 

The Resolution to Support Parents, Schools, and Districts in Rejecting Harmful, Coercive, and Burdensome Gender Identity Policies was amended during the meeting in an attempt to water it down. Yet in it's watered down form the State Board of Education lacked the spine necessary to protect our children and referred it back to the Executive Committee at the end of the day. 

You can watch the entire meeting at The Ohio Channel with discussion opening regarding the Resolution at just after 2:00:00 and the vote at 7:01:22 mark

Now more than ever in the name of our children it is time for parents and patriots alike to again use our voices to stand up to these weak kneed board members and express Ohioans values to vote this Resolution out of committee unchanged!

Call to Action 

Contact the Ohio Department of Education Executive Committee to express your desire for this committee to refer the Resolution out of their committee to be adopted by the board by using the contact information below.

 ðŸ“žðŸ“§Executive Committee Contact Information 📞📧                        PH. (937) 287-3603                      PH. (419) 303-2672                                     PH. (614) 728-2754                                        PH. (937) 726-2197                      PH. (614) 292-5909                                 PH. (513) 382-9869                                PH. (937) 879-2336

Stay focused Ohio.....





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