Wednesday, October 5, 2022



Informed citizenry is essential when expecting to engage in politics at any level. If you fail to understand how your local government works, it's safe to say, you probably won't be an effective change agent. Being an agent of change can be a long and hard road, as those of us beginning to engage in local politics are coming to wrap our minds around in our Ohio hometowns. 

I started engaging in local politics because my children were highly affected by bad policies amid the pandemic. We experienced lock downs with soaring depression and suicide rates among tweens and teens. Realizing mom's would change the landscape of our communities, we began to see mom's renewed interest in activism on behalf of issues affecting their families. Women are the center of the nuclear family and where mom goes, so goes the family. I've often been told where we are called to serve we will be so  equipped. So I took these words to heart and ran for school board in a rural district that thought I was crazy. The mindset of the masses with generational ties to their community and its traditions is hard pressed to overcome. I lost my seat, but the seeds I planted continue to play out among my community today. As I said above, being an agent of change is often a long game. When I clearly defined what the roles of the school board members were I began to understand how local government and public bodies operate. I began to understand how public policy plays out in real time, and how important public input into the policies that are affecting them in real time can be.  


For the better part of the last two years I am one of hundreds of Ohioans that have been educating people on how to engage politically on a variety of Ohio issue. Understanding Robert's Rules of Order is certainly the hardest part of this journey for me, it can be a real snooze fest. The information, although no riveting contemporary thriller, is vital to engage in any public body holding public meetings. You didn't learn to play any game without first understanding the rules, and that's exactly what Robert's Rules of Order are. Think of them as the standard operating manual for public meetings.


In routine conversations with people as issues are presented I hear, how can I get that document from this public body?  Ohio Sunshine Laws provide Ohioans access to government and public documents. Ohio's Public Records Act and Open Meetings Act,  also known as Ohio Sunshine Laws provide the public with a transparency and accountability piece to the business of our government. Obtaining the records you seek is as easy as asking for a Retention and Disposition of Records Schedule and finding on that schedule the record you seek and asking for it. A records retention schedule is simply a list of records the body/organization must keep by law and for the specified legal time period. There is no fancy template or verbiage necessary, just simply ask in accordance with Ohio Sunshine Laws for the document. I was able to obtain records from my district confirming mold growth in our HVAC system, which led me to educate parents on the respiratory dangers of mold spores among district children. These public documents are useful to educate the community on the issues you wish to rally support for. This can be a lengthy process taking frequent follow-up, that's why the retention and disposition of records schedule is helpful in aiding you in your efforts. It's difficult to tell the public, "we don't keep those records" or "we don't have anything called that" if you have the retention schedule in hand from the public body/organization you seek records from.


There is no shortage of voices to listen to right now in Ohio. I always challenge others to know those they are engaging with and where they are deriving their information. Asking questions regarding the accuracy or legitimacy of the information you are given is vital. Asking what stake the individual providing information may have in what they provide is crucial. Essentially the old adage, follow the money. Time and time again I find myself looking at finance and affiliations among people and groups. When approached by anyone for anything I always ask them, "why are you interested in this issue"? It tells you a lot about their stake in the issues they champion or reject. Access to trusted and loyal sources in political circles is a rarity and a trusted team should be treated like the diamonds they clearly are. People in these circles often don't necessarily like one another, however, working with a foe toward a common goal isn't unusual either. And, of course, you will see in political circles "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" also applies. Some people are put in your path for a season and a reason, and others you will forge a long and prosperous partnership accomplishing common goals. Stay focused Ohio....


 Stay tuned for future lessons I learned while circulating petitions........

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