Monday, October 24, 2022

Where Main Street Meets Mean Street

    In recent weeks candidate for Secretary of State, Tersephore Maras has repeatedly leveraged her position as a candidate to intimidate and threaten legal action in the form of a lawsuit against Katie and those she works with. We have put out information regarding her sister’s professional background and certifications that Maras herself claims to hold. 
    Yesterday eveningKatie received a message from one of Maras followers from the Telegram group New Ohio. This message stated Maras wanted to have a message delivered. This message was as follows, she claims to have found an alternate Facebook profile for Kathleen. Neither Katie nor I have alternate Facebook accounts. Please see accusations below from Maras last night, to learn what has unhinged Tore Maras. Please also see attached article to learn about her sister Marie Helen Maras.

    Not only that, Maras eludes to Katie's children, which are not old enough to vote in Ohio. This isn't the first time Maras has threatened those who push back with factual information. Please see the interview where Tore explains threatening Ruth Ann Buffalo's children, a Native-American North Dakota House of Representative congresswomen.  We don't simply want to expose Maras for the deceptive candidate she is, but we wish her to be ran out of Ohio on a rail, as she was by the good citizens of North Dakota!

 Katie & I have been told numerous times over the last year that we are MEAN. This has inspired us to form our own Mean Street conglomerate. We are already at the intersection of Idiotic & Crazy Street here in Ohio. We hope you can make room for Mean Street, because hard truths are required today in Ohio politics. Tore Maras can reach out to either myself or Katie at any point for a conversation, instead she chooses to send messages and perpetuate categorically false disinformation to her followers.

We look forward to our future endeavors. Stay Focused Ohio.....


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