Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Title IX: Time and Pressure

    The Title IX arm-twisting continues to make its way through Ohio political factions. This month has seen much debate amongst the Ohio Department of Education of Brendan Shea’s Resolution and several amendments including the Toal, Toal #2, McQuire, Manchester and Miranda versions including the arrival of the ORP's adopted version.

Listen below as State Board Member Jenny Kilgore explains the original intent of Title IX in the October 31st Executive Committee Meeting

Member Kilgore reiterated similar sentiments on November 14th in the Regular Board Meeting:

    " Thank you, I DO support Mr. (Shae's) Toal’s proposal in furtherance of the Ohio General Assembly push back; of the federal government Title IX redefinition of biological sex/gender and egregiously connecting compliance to eligibility for student free lunch funds. The new Title IX language circumvents parental responsibility and obligation for nurture & trust of their own progeny. 

    Having examined the document, I see no restrictions for any segment of our student population outside common sense, defending the interests of the citizens of the State of Ohio, or any group put in harm. Title IX should remain, after all of its 50 years, a document specific to women’s issues, rights, & privileges. The understanding to the purpose of this document is to acknowledge & protect the intent of the original Title IX premise to provide fair & equal opportunity for women athletes to compete & earn college scholarships; AND further to support the Ohio General Assembly & "push back" against the federal government's Title IX redefinition of biological sex/gender, AND egregiously connecting ‘compliance to the revisions’ to be eligible for student free lunch funds. 

    In addition, the Biden administration, as part of the executive branch, is over-reaching its power & does not have the authority to make such legislative changes. I, unequivocally, as do the majority of my constituents, do not support the expansion of the parameters of the federal version of Title IX & explicitly object to ‘student free lunch funds’ inappropriately subject to compliance." 

    Making clear her opposition on the basic principles of parental rights, local control, and government over reach. 

    Schools ARE NOT subject to creating, adopting, or changing policy in fear of losing federal funding as these issues are being litigated. Ohio Attorney General Yost in concert with 20 other state Attorney General's argue, this could keep much-needed federal dollars "meant to feed needy children" from being distributed if schools don't adopt "the administration’s preferred policies regarding gender identity, potentially including those involving access to girls’ bathrooms and girls’ athletics."

     These actions seem inconsistent given the Biden Administration's push toward "equity and fairness" via Executive Order at "the enormous cost of ....persistent poverty" while leveraging school funding [free and reduced lunch programs] meant to feed low-income children already experiencing food insecurity [a lack of consistent access to enough food for every person in a household]

In Ohio we call it hypocritical! Stay Focused Ohio...






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